Catatan Kecil

LiVe is SimPle… makE a choiCe, doN’t Look bAck, and Do yoUr beSt.

maRi BelAjar

with 4 comments

Merasa klo english saya su*k… pengen belajar ah 🙂 . Mulai hari ini saya canangkan untuk menerbitkan berbagai istilah (term) atau peribahasa (proverb) ato idiom setiap harinya. Itung-itung buat belajar sendiri. Sumber tulisan.

She needed a shoulder to cry on

Oliver Why are you so late ? Problems with your make-up ?
Dodie Don’t be sarcastic. It was my girlfriend Susie.
Oliver What’s her problem this time ?
Dodie She’s just broken up with her boyfriend so she needed a shoulder to cry on.
Oliver She never seems to be able to hang on to anyone for very long.
Dodie It’s not her fault, she just seems to have bad luck with men.
Explanation :
If someone offers you a shoulder to cry on, they listen sympathetically to all your troubles.
Example : Roland sometimes saw me as a shoulder to cry on.

tak terjemahin :

Oliver Kenapa kamu terlambat ? Apakah ada masalah dengan make-up mu ?
Dodie Jangan kasar gitu donk. itu tuh… temen saya Susie.
Oliver Emang ada masalah apa dia ?
Dodie Dia barusan putus sama pacarnya, jadi dia butuh simpati.
Oliver Hubungan dia ko’ gak pernah bertahan lama yah.
Dodie Bukan salah dia lagi, dia kaya’nya kurang beruntung klo soal laki-laki.
Penjelasan :
jika seseorang mengatakan a shoulder to cry on, orang tersebut menaruh simpati terhadap masalah yang kita alami.
Contoh : Roland terkadang menaruh simpati kepada saya.

Written by nRa

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 12:06 am

Posted in al-Islam

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4 Responses

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  1. Do you need a shoulder to cry on?


    Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 9:33 am

  2. @ galih : sekarang sih belum…. lihat hasil besok deh,
    klo examnya ancur… i need a shoulder to cry on 😀


    Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 5:31 pm

  3. He3x… Do you need a shoulder to cry on? 😀


    Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 6:01 pm

  4. Shoulder to cry on? Masa simpati sih? Bukannya butuh orang untuk dijadiin kuping ya? Ya jadi cewek itu merasa perlu menumpahkan semuanya ke orang lain yang bisa dia percaya. Hehe, tapi simpati sama aja ya.

    Just Fenty

    Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 12:44 pm

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